3 Quotes & Sayings By Susan Bass Marcus

Susan Bass Marcus is a sound artist, record producer, and performer. In addition to producing projects as solo artist for over 30 years, she has been the producer for such diverse projects as Tony Bennett, B.B. King, David Bowie, Sting, Madonna, Dolly Parton and Bruce Springsteen. Her productions have received Grammy nominations and airplay on over 500 radio stations worldwide including WFUV, WVIA-FM and WXPN Philadelphia Read more

She has produced more than 100 albums for various labels including Atlantic Records, Razor & Tie/Nonesuch Records and Warner Bros Records.

There was a time, before the battles between men and dragons, when the Veiled Valley was green and covered with trees, berry bushes, and wildflowers. Birdsong filled the air from early morning until sunset. Sunriseside, a mountain poked its peak above a vast, dark forrest. At the base of its tree-covered slopes, far below our ancestors' cave, a lodge housed a large family of Valley folk. Susan Bass Marcus
Over the years I have written creative non-fiction related to the curricula I produced, first as an elementary school art instructor, then for nearly two decades as a museum education curator. While any curriculum I wrote was based on facts as well as best and accepted practices, to add imaginative interest and encourage my students’ engagement I put those facts in the context of stories, invented situations that brought to life the remote or unfamiliar . Susan Bass Marcus